International News


Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find 26 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

EU Class news to be addedd

Class news to be added soon . . .... read more..

UK Grand Prix Series - Round 1

  Perfect last minute race training prior to the Garda Worlds.   5 teams were met with a good forecast for a last minute event hosted by Stone Sailing Club.  The conditions provided tea read more..

Euro Grand Prix Finals 2015 Campione

Final showdown for the Euro Grand Prix Series 2015 at Campione Lake Garda. Perfect conditions, great ora and summer temperatures as usual... Euro Link had a perfect series of 6 bullets in a row, winni... read more..

Letztes Rennen der Deutschlandtour und Euro Grand Prix in Campione

Vom 25.9.-27.9. trafen sich in Campione die europäischen 18 Footer zum Finale des Euro Grand Prix 2015. Wie vom Lago gewohnt hatten wir wieder perfekte Bedingungen. Beachbar, Liegewiese, Sonne satt u... read more..

18ft Skiff National Championship at Sandbanks - Poole

  What a treat! The 18ft skiff class is, as far as I know, the only class that gets to sail off the beach at Sandbanks in Poole and you have to keep pinching yourself to remember you are in the U read more..

18ft Skiff National Championship at Sandbanks - Poole

  What a treat! The 18ft skiff class is, as far as I know, the only class that gets to sail off the beach at Sandbanks in Poole and you have to keep pinching yourself to remember you are in the U read more..

UK Grand Prix Series Round 2 - 2015

The fleet travelled to Grafham Water Sailing Club this weekend for Round 2 of the UK Grand Prix Series. Both days were forecast to be light winds, so all the small rigs stayed very much in their bags.... read more..

UK Grand Prix Series - Round 2

  The fleet travelled to Grafham Water Sailing Club this weekend for Round 2 of the UK Grand Prix Series. Both days were forecast to be light winds, so all the small rigs stayed very much in thei read more..

Aktueller Stand Deutschlandwertung

Deutschlandwertung nach 2 Rennen         Diessen Travemünde Campione Overall Rang Segel Nummer Team  Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Points 1 GER 22 EuroLi... read more..

Skiff Race Tegernsee / Bavaria

The German 18 Foot Skiff League and the SVR-E is organising another Skiff Race.   Two weeks before the Campione event we have another great skiff race at Tegernsee, a picturesque lake in southern... read more..

Skiff Regatta Tegernsee

5.-6. Semptember am Tegernsee Der Segelverein Rottach Egern lädt uns zusammen mit 29er und 49er  zur Skiffregatta am schönsten (und reichsten... ) See Deutschlands vor malerischer Bergkulisse nac... read more..

Travemünde Week

Great beach party and tough racing in Travemünde. In windy and gusty conditions we had great and close racing. See all details on the tracking site.  Original Chia (3-1-2-3) won over EuroLink (DN... read more..

Travemünder Woche

Great beach party and tough racing in Travemünde. In windy and gusty conditions we had great and close racing. See all details on the tracking site.  Original Chia (3-1-2-3) won over EuroLink (DN... read more..


Anbei eine Trimmtabelle für ein aktuelles C Tech Rigg wie es eines der Spitzenteams in Torbole verwendet hat. Abkürzungen : FS Forestay,  Tops Oberwant, Shrouds Hauptwant, D2 Unterwant, CB Schwer... read more..

Drittes Rennen der Deutschland Tour 2015

Als dritte Station der Deutschlandtour 2015 ist neben Diessen und Travemünde Campione vorgesehen. Alle drei Events sind gleichzeitig Euro Grand Prix Stationen so dass wir hier hochkarätige internation... read more..

Mark Foy - Day 5

The final day of the Mark Foy was held on an incredibly hot day, with most teams taking in the last of the warm conditions. Delonghi made the bold decision to launch on their big rig, being the only b... read more..

Mark Foy Sailing Report - Day 5

  The final day of the Mark Foy was held on an incredibly hot day, with most teams taking in the last of the warm conditions. Delonghi made the bold decision to launch on their big rig, being the read more..

Mark Foy - Day 4

Gains and Losses: Lake Garda is a great test for every boat! If you and your gear stand one week of sailing here you can go where ever you want, without having damage or breakage in mind. Today, anoth... read more..

Zwischenstand von der WM in Torbole nach drei von fünf Renntagen

    Bei großartigen Bedingungen und moderatem Wind schlagen sich die drei deutschen Teams wacker. Mit den kleinen Riggs sind stellenweise auch nur zwei Mann im Trapez und ungewöhnlich stark read more..

Mark Foy - Day 3

"nightly build . . . " Summary of day 3: - one snapped genaker - two broken poles - three strings, as usual - four races in phantastic sailing conditions 2 more days sailing left read more..

Mark Foy - Day 2

  The second day was much lighter with only one race being held in dying breeze. Many place changes happened up the beat with spots of pressure appearing and disappearing. The fleet was very mixe read more..

Mark Foy - Day 1

  The first  day of the Mark Foy Championships have taken place in Torbole, Lake Garda. 15 teams travelled from all over the world with sailors coming from the UK, Australia, America, German read more..

UK Grand Prix Series Round 1 - 2015

  Perfect last minute race training prior to the Garda Worlds.   5 teams were met with a good forecast for a last minute event hosted by Stone Sailing Club.  The conditions provided read more..

First European 18' Skiff Race

First race of the 18' Skiffs in Europe   ... read more..

Europäische Grand Prix 2015 die Termine sind raus

  2015 wird eine tolle Saison in Europa, die keiner gern vermissen will. "Back to the roots" heisst zurück, wo die 18ft Skiffs in Europa zuerst das Wasser kennenlernten, Gardasee. Die EU-GP-Sais read more..

Season Preview - Start der diesjährigen Deutschland-Tour am 1.-3.Mai 2015

Das warme Wetter läßt einen wieder früh ans Segeln, Vorbereiten und Trainieren denken. Damit es nicht nur beim Denken bleibt: Der diesjährige Saisonstart beginnt bei der Deutschland-Tour in Diessen a read more..

Results 1 - 26 of 26

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